
The Server Browser tracks statistics for public games that were announced to it.

Levels played
Total times a level was played in public lobbies
Lobbies hosted
Total lobbies announced to the server browser
Players seen
The total amount of unique players we've seen

Top trending levels

🔥 These are the hottest levels right now, based on play count seen by the server browser.

# Cover Level Author Plays 7d
#1 Ado - Show Show - Ado Pleo 65 9
#2 idk sumthin in russian lol - Money rain Money Rain THE SUUSY AMUNG US IMPOSTOR!!!1 10 4
#3 DragonForce - Power of the Saber Blade DragonForce - Power of the Saber Blade JohnieCanine 88 5
#4 Camellia - SswwiinnddlleerR!! Camellia - SswwiinnddlleerR!! abcbadq 63 4
#5 Omoi - Teo [BL Nominated] Omoi - Teo chikinbiskit 28 5
#6 Sheet Music Boss - RUSH E (v2) RUSH E (v2) JonathanRune 1,128 8
#7 Dschinghis Khan - Moskau [Queue] Dschinghis Khan - Moskau (Camellia's Handzup Bootleg) RetrX 175 4
#8 Eve - Kaikai Kitan Kaikai Kitan [Jujutsu Kaisen Opening] - Eve Joetastic 358 18
#9 F-777 - Ludicrous Speed F-777 - Ludicrous Speed (Fvrwvrd's Deathcore Remix) Helloiamdaan, cerret & Olaf 321 11
#10 The Kid LAROI - STAY STAY - The Kid Laroi RFCaps & FatBeanzoop 34 4

Protip: You can download the top lists as a playlist (bplist) from their pages!

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