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Match results

My Songs Know What You Did In The Dark
My Songs Know What You Did In The Dark by Fall Out Boy
Played 1 year, 8 months ago
Expert Standard Standard No Fail No Fail
State Rank Score Good / Bad / Miss Max Combo Badge
B22 Level cleared SS 653,837 846 / 0 / 0 846 (Full)
Perfectionist Perfectionist
YANA1616 Level cleared SS 627,664 842 / 2 / 2 741 -
GremlinSeeker Level cleared SS 618,391 842 / 3 / 1 428
Jazz Hands Jazz Hands
vrquest8225 Level cleared S 596,029 833 / 9 / 4 425
Air Slicer Air Slicer
TannYTannY Level cleared S 580,205 838 / 1 / 7 331 -